Investment wisdom and experience

At Coherent, you have freedom of choice in selecting the services you want based on your needs and personal values, from full discretionary management to non-discretionary guidance. Asset allocation is customized at the account level from conservative to aggressive. Portfolio design is scalable along with your personal wealth level over time, whether you are an accumulator with a busy career, near retirement, or enjoying retirement.

Your accounts are managed separately and your funds are never co-mingled with other accounts. They are in your control at all times and secured with an independent custodian.

Your assets are managed by seasoned and credentialed professionals. We continually analyze economic and financial market conditions and make the necessary adjustments while you enjoy what’s important to you.

We provide:

  • Choice in the services you want from full to non-discretionary
  • Scalable and customizable portfolio designs adjusted as you grow
  • Security with your assets held at an independent custodian

Our Portfolio Management Process

We maintain broad diversification in all of our discretionary portfolio strategies. Our portfolio design methodology incorporates built-in flexibility so that allocations can be adjusted to shifting market conditions, while controlling cost and managing tax efficiency. Markets change – so why should your portfolio be static?

When there is an imbalance between market risk and expected returns, we adjust exposure where warranted. We cannot control financial market returns. However the degree and type of risk we choose to take is a critical part of our investment management process. Your portfolio management team is both able and willing to make one of the most critical decisions – how much risk to take, and when.

Our goal is to deliver performance while limiting downside risk compared with more traditional statically-balanced portfolios. Our diversified asset allocation approach is based on modern portfolio theory to mitigate non-systemic risk, with additional tactical adjustments to mitigate systemic risk.

Investment management fees are charged at the account level as a percentage of total household assets under management. Transaction costs are carefully managed and fees are explicitly disclosed in your account statements. Contact us for specifics on our competitive fee schedule.

We provide:

  • Portfolio Design: diversified, flexible, tax and fee efficient
  • Risk Management: adjusted risk exposure to changing markets
  • Transparency: fees disclosed in your account statements


We look forward to discussing your unique financial goals and personal values!

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